And what do I get for my birthday? Maternity clothes! Well sorta. My mom went shopping at Kohls and found some non-maternity shirts on sale. She bought them for me as maternity-type shirts though...just a little bigger than I would normally wear and looser in the waist area for that ever-expanding belly.
Then my MIL sends me some money so I can buy myself some maternity clothes. Guess that's what happens when you're pregnant on your birthday!
I'm kidding of course, not about what I got because they did send those things, just kidding about "gee all I get are maternity clothes!" I'm actually very, very, appreciative to both of them...for the shirts and the money...because I know I'm going to need some new clothes!
I still have most of my maternity clothes from when I was pregnant with Kayla. Problem is that when I was in my 3rd trimester with Kayla it was May, June, July. It'll be Dec, Jan, Feb when I'm in my 3rd trimester this time. Different seasons completely; shorts just won't work in the winter time!
So thank you mom, and MIL, for thinking of me and realizing I'm going to need some new clothes, and some in-between clothes! I am so thankful!
I actually did get something that was non-pregnancy related! Joe gave me the new Richard Bachman/Stephen King book Blaze: A Novel I'm excited to start reading it!
Nothing much planned for today. Joe is at the legal office doing Power of Attorney documents - fun stuff huh?
My friend Jennifer told me about an organization in town that is sponsoring some type of play date thing today for birth-4yrs, so we'll head out to that this morning with her and Katelyn.
Tonight we'll grab some Applebees for dinner and finish it up with an ice cream cake from Baskin-Robbins - yummy!
Happy Birthday Michelle!
Happy Birthday! I hope this is a completely wonderful year for you!
I'm avoiding maternity clothes for as long as I possibly can. The actual buying of new clothes is fun, I just hate the tent-look, you know!
Hope you enjoy your book, and eat some ice cream for me!
Happy Birthday! I love maternity clothes too because I love being pregnant! I hope you have a relaxing, feeling-special kind of day.
Love, Sarah
Happy Birthday! :)
I was 6 months pregnant on my 30th birthday. I got a ton of baby stuff and maternity clothes too. :)
Happy birthday to you!!!
Hi Michelle, I've been trying to leave a comment for the past two days and as always have had trouble with it. Gggrrr! But I am glad I got on today so I can say a
You are such a sweetheart and I'm so happy I found you in Blogville! I hope the rest of your birthday is as special as you are Michelle. Have a great evening out and enjoy every minute of it! Love, Amy
Happy Birthday!!!
Happy Birthday to you!!!!!
Happy Birthday to YOU!
Happy Birthday to YOU!
Happy Birthday sweet Michellleeeeeeeee!!!
Happy Birthday to YOU!!
and many more!!!
I wish I had known I would have sent ya a card!
Happy Birthday Michelle! Applebee's and ice cream cake sounds like a great way to celebrate!
Happy birthday to you!
Applebee's and Ice cream cake! That sounds like an amazing birthday to me.
Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday dear Michelle!! I've just made a post on my blog...I know, I'm late today! lol Anyway, I have a card waiting there for you:-) xox
Oh I do have time before I go to wish you a Happy Birthday! Have a great day!!!!
A very Happy Birthday to you Michelle. Playdates are always fun for Mom's too. Have fun shopping for maternity clothes. Part of me wishes I could look forward to needing more.
Happy Birthday
Happy maternity clothes shopping! :)
OK, nothing like someone older (like me!) to make you feel young on your birthday so here goes...
34? I turned 44 on my last birthday. A decade you hear me?
I must say, though- I didn't like it. Wished I was 34.
(And I was thinking the same thing- that on my next birthday I would have to officially say I was in the mid-40's.) are YOUNG, girlfriend! :D
Happy Birthday Michelle!!! I hope you have a wonderful day! Please have some cake for me. :)
Happy 43rd birthday, Michelle.
(OK, I did the 43 on purpose just to see if you are blogging on your birthday :)
Seriously, may all your dreams come true. Happy birtdhay.
Happy Birthday!
I needed mat clothes a lot sooner this time, but I don't mind in case it's my last time wearing them. I need to get my money's worth! ;-)
Enjoy your bday dinner!
Happy, happy birthday, Michelle! Hope it is a wonderful one for you!
I wish I could help you celebrate with your Baskins Robbins cake! That sounds fabulous! :)
Happy Birthday Michelle!! Yeah - it's great for new stuff when you need it, but I understand what you mean! :)
We went to Applebees for lunch - so I guess we celebrated with you! :)
Happy Birthday!!!!
Happy Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Michelle! Sounds like you have a fun day planned.
My pregnancies were the same way - different seasons. Oh well, we take what we get, right?
(Sorry about that deleted comment. My computer automatically posted a comment I put on another blog. Weird...)
I know I already wished you a Happy Birthday, but I had to leave a comment too, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY again!
love you!
P.S. Rhi loved her card, she has been "making pizza" for 10 minutes. I had to make her get off the computer so I could write this!
I know this is a little late, but I hope you had a great dinner at Applebee's and otherwise wonderful day. Happy Birthday!
Love Kohl's and glad to not be wearing maternity clothes in the summer again : ) Happy for you, though!
Happy Birthday! I hope all your birthday wishes come true this year!
Blaze ... awesome story. A little rough maybe with hormones.
happy b day
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Michelle!!!! We hope you have a wonderful day!!!! Yeah, Im 29 & hanging!!! hee hee
Happy Belated Birthday!!! I hope you enjoyed your day!!!I found out ON my birthday last year that I was preggy!
HaPpY BiRtHDaY, Michelle!! I was wearing maternity clothes at 9 weeks! I was just too excited to be able to! But by 38 weeks, it wasn't so fun when I was too big for XL maternity! Next time I don't think I'll be so gung-ho about getting into them...
I was 11 weeks on my was THE BEST birthday ever!
Happy Birthday, Michelle!
I'm a fairly new reader and thought your birthday would be a good time to leave my first comment! Sounds like your year ahead will be filled with wonderful things!
Happy Birthday.
Sounds like a wonderful day! (any day that ends with Baskin Robbins...always a good day in my book.)
Happy Birthday, Michelle!!!!!
Happy birthday, Michelle! You're a full year younger than me.
Happy Birthday Michelle!! Have a joyful day. Baskin Robbins sounds perfect!!
Naturally I'm a day late, but Happy Birthday! I had to laugh - Krissy's birthday was two weeks ago and everyone gave her money and gift certificates for, you guessed it. Maternity clothes. LOL Like you, though, she was very happy to get it. You're both due at the same time and just like you, her first baby was a mid-summer baby. This one will be born March 1st.
Boy, that Applebee's sounds good! Oriental chicken salad! Now I'm craving it. :-)
I came from Pea to wish you a very happy birthday!
And congratulations on your pregnancy! Lots of Blessings to your family!
Happy Birthday, Michelle!
Sorry that I am late but Happy Birthday!!!! I hope you had a wonderful day...
I agree with Mrs. Hub, I hate maternity clothes too. I have tried to stay away from them. Not that I am too excited about buying all the bigger sizes either! LOL
My birthday is in September and is 4 days before my due date and when my family asks what do you want for your b-day my answer is a baby!
Happy Birthday, Michelle! Have a wondeful day!
I c&p'd this...
Happy Birthday to YOU!
Happy Birthday to YOU!
Happy Birthday sweet Michellleeeeeeeee!!!
Happy Birthday to YOU!!
I'm so-o-o- lazy!
Hi Michelle,The day is not over yet to wish you a " Happy Birthday "....My daughter is 9 weeks with her third child and my 14th grandchild.She is 37 and hates to get bland things for Xmas again because she is due in February.Good luck with your baby and keep us posted . Baba
Happy Birthday Michelle!
Hope you had a very special day!
If this makes you feel anybetter, I JUST turned 35, so I'm a year ahead of you, so you are Younger, and I am OLDer.
Have fun shopping for maternity clothes. I know this doesn't sound too fashionable, but when I was pregnant with my oldest, I was due in Feb. the most comfortable thing for me were my sweats, and some big over sized sweat shirts.
Have a great birthday!
Happy Birthday Michelle!!!!
Happy bday! Have fun cloth shopping!
Wishing you a happy birthday Michelle!!!! They make such cute maternity clothes now and you will look adorable in them!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY FRIEND!!! I hope all your plans brought you much friendship and happiness!!! (And a really FABULOUS ensemble!) :)
Happy birthday! I think maternity clothes would be a wonderful present to be getting (sigh) and mid thirties - you lucky youngster! Hope you enjoy the book too.
Happy Birthday!!!
Mine is the day before you!!
I'll email you that link today!
Happy birthday!!
Although, I hate to break it to you... but 34 IS mid-30s!! (34-36 is considered "mid-30s.") But glad you had a great day! Enjoy your shopping spree!
Happy, Happy Birthday a bit late but I sincerely wish you a very blessed year, blessed pregnancy, etc... And maternity clothes are such a nice gift and they are at times rather expensive.
God Bless!
I hope you had a wonderful birthday. And I have to agree that 34 is mid-thirties--sorry.
Hey Happy belated birthday!!!
Happy Belated Birthday from another Leo!!
Happy Birthday, my friend! Sorry I'm late in my birthday wishes. :)
I had to chuckle a bit upon reading that you're getting maternity clothes/money for your birthday. I guess that's what you get for being pregnant on your birthday.
I couldn't be happier for you! :)
Happy super belated birthday. : )
Can't knock the maternity clothes, especially with the winter due date. I found it felt like I had to buy a whole new set of clothing while I was pregnant with W.W.
I found some really cute maternity t-shirts at There is also a CD with a song on it that the guy wrote for his wife while she was pregnant. It's really sweet.
Mom Shop offers huge and great selection of maternity clothing...
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