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Wednesday, July 25, 2007

A Little More Real

Today I finally had my first OB appt. I've been waiting for this day as it just makes it feel more "real" you know? And I managed to get myself an ultrasound! Baby measured right on target (I'm 9 weeks and 3 days) and although you really can't make out much now, here's our little one! And there is only ONE! :)

The head is on the right (as you're looking at the picture) - the little bump in the middle is an arm (I believe it is anyway, the tech didn't really say anything about what was what) and to the left of the picture you can make out a "z" - that is the leg/foot. Heartbeat was strong at 176.

And this little 9 week old was a jumping bean! I didn't really think there was much movement at 9 wks, but oh my goodness! The whole body - all 1 inch (about that anyway) of baby appeared to be "jumping." We even saw the faintest little arm reach up and move back and forth - it was amazing!

The rest of the appointment was pretty uneventful - come back in 4 wks and have a nice day!

For those who have asked, I'm still feeling great! Just tired, and always hungry. I feel like I eat every hour, and when that hour rolls around it feels like I haven't eaten in days! Still no morning sickness (knock on wood!) - again I didn't have any with Kayla either, guess I'm just lucky like that!

Oh, when the nurse was checking me in w/weight, BP, temp and all that stuff she mentioned how they usually give out the diaper bags at the first appt, but they, um, didn't have any right now. What?! How does an OBs office run out of the diaper bags? Don't they know I was looking forward to my free "gift" of a diaper bag filled with goodies? I'll just have to remind them at my next appt that I didn't get my diaper bag!


A Captured Reflection said...

How exciting Michelle, I'm glad to hear everything is going well. Ok I'm on the name track again...Keegan is a cute name too, sounds good with Kayla. Sorry, I just love names!

jennifergg said...

I'm so, so happy for you. I'm glad you're feeling strong and that everything is going good!!!

ChupieandJ'smama (Janeen) said...

This is so exciting!!! It just makes it extra "real". It's your baby's first picture. How sweet. Congrats on everything being uneventful and I'm glad you are feeling well.

Anonymous said...

Hello little baby bean! I was the same way, it wasn't real until I had my first ultrasound that showed a little baby bean & a heartbeat! I'm so excited for you guys!

Denise said...

Congrats on your new addition. I just wanna kiss all over your little blueberry!!! (not in a nasty stalker way, just in a she's too cute I can't stand it way!)

Anonymous said...

aww, Congratulations!! So nice to hear you are feeling good with no morning sickness. You are lucky!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Michelle - how wonderful!! I am so thrilled for you guys!

Cindy-Still His Girl said...

Michelle, I am so happy for you!! :) I can tell already you have ANOTHER beautiful child on the way. :)

Shannon @ Gabi's World said...

COngrats again, Michelle! That first ultrasound makes it seem all that more real. Doesn't it?

Carole Burant said...

As you said, getting the ultra sound and seeing that little baby inside of you really make it be SO REAL:-) You are so lucky not to have any morning sickness...I had morning sickness 24 hours a day for the whole 9 months! Ugh! Continue to feel well and this will be so much fun for us to follow:-) xox

Anonymous said...

Would you look at that my next grandbaby!!! Just think when he/she is old enough I can tell them I met you when you were not bigger than a peanut still in the shell LOL

Beck said...

Aw, look at the little peanut! I love those early ultrasounds, this sudden realization that THERE IS A BABY IN THERE! So exciting!

Tammy and Parker said...

I think they should give you TWO diaper bags your next appointment.

Beautiful baby bean!

Unknown said...

Im so looking forward to these posts..what a beautiful little blueberry you have!

Robin said...

So glad to get an update! It was so easy to see the baby in the photo. So precious! I wish you a very healthy pregnancy. I loved being pregnant & did not have any morning sickness as well. Just stay ahead of it with the frequent meals & you'll be great! Squeezes to Kayla!

Anonymous said...

Oh Michelle, he or she is beautiful already. :)

What a fabulous first photo.

Anonymous said...

Little Plum!

How cute.

Anonymous said...

Michelle and JOe and Kayla too..

I loved looking at the "little peanut" so cute-already!! yes, I see the foot and arm? and you describing what you saw on the ultrasound....it is truly amazing....love to you all , love Mom

Anonymous said...

Awwwwww! So sweet, Precious little miracle! I'm so glad baby is healthy so far!

Melanie D. said...

Oh I'm so excited for you! Yes, remind them that you need your goodie bag. That's always half the fun! Although I never got mine at my 1st appt, usually when I was ready to pop!

This is going to be a very exciting adventure!

Shelley said...

That is just SO exciting! WOnderful pics. I am sorry there is only one in there though! Hope the tiredness passes and that second trimester glow starts ASAP. The other day I was at the supermarket checkout and the (pregnant) woman in front of me had this very healthy selection of goods plus Milo bars - it took me back to when I was pregnant and after when breastfeeding - Milo was a great sustainer - high in vitamin B I think and low GI (Yumm!) - not that I have had any for a long time now ...)

Linda said...

I must have missed the post about you being pregnant but congratulations. That is so exciting and isn't neat that you can actually see the baby so early. Life is so beautiful.

Amy Flege said...

that is the cutest little bean!!! so exciting!!!

tracey.becker1@gmail.com said...

What a cute little smudge!! SOOOO excited for you! Glad you're feeling so great. Hungry is better than puking. :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats!! You got a really good picture. I hope everything goes really well for you.

Dori (Aviva's mommy) said...

How exciting for you....what great pictures.

How is Kayla feeling?


Annie said...

What a beautiful baby!
I've had enough ultrasounds to be able to tell that btw!
So happy for you guys... and understand about the bag, it's fun to look through all that baby stuff.
I tagged you.

The Fritz Facts said...

Very exciting! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

awwww ... it seems like just yesterday I was at that point. The time flies! Enjoy every moment!

Christina M said...

Looks like anpother cutie int here! COngrats again.

I just looked into your vidoe from last August with Kayla signing to the DVD Signing times songs. Is howed it to our signing teacher today (her son is 17 and has DS). She LOVED it, so now she is trying to get in touch with a company here that can make something similar, but with the german signs. If you get a bunch of weird hits, its from my neck of the woods. She just loved your page ;-)

AND I just realized that K is wearing some Vincent sandals there in the sidebar, right?

Hugs to you!

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for you! I know how excited you are.You can make out your little one on the ultra sound.I'm so glad to hear everything is going well for you.I never had the morning sickness with the three of mine. Well i did have it only one day with Gary.
love ya and take care,

Andrea@Sgt and Mrs Hub said...

I love ultrasound pictures! I have always wished I could have one, but Daniel says nope. I am so glad you feel good. Tired is normal, hungry is normal, but the vomiting....yuck! How cute that the baby moved so much! That must've been really fun to watch.

Happy, happy, happy for you all!


The Mom said...

Glad that you are feeling so great!!!

Loved the picture of your newest little peanut :) I think baby development is amazing! Little arms and legs already - sooo cool :)

Linda said...

Precious miracle. Can you just picture God "knitting" that tiny baby together? It is just a thrill to see that picture Michelle.
I'm so glad you're doing (and feeling) well.

K.T. is Mommatude said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww I love the first ultrasounds...Kyla looked like a little golfball.....hehehe

Leslie said...

Yay for ultrasounds!! So glad you are feeling great and had a good visit! I am all about free gifts, and when they go wrong...I don't take it well! Hee!

Isn't it amazing what all they're doing so quickly! At 12 weeks Jack looked like he was lounging in Mexico...he had a leg crossed and was just hanging out sucking his thumb.

Now he's standing beside me in a "Cars" pull-up petting the dog and asking to sing "Wheels on the Bus."

Time flies...!

Renee said...

How exciting!! Glad your feeling so well!

Jodi said...

Love those early ultrasounds!

I am so glad to hear you are feeling well. I had horrible morning sickness (all day) with each of my babies.

Julie Julie Bo Boolie said...

oh what a beautiful little bean you have there! I'm so excited to follow you on this new journey :)

I've gone private so if you'd like an invite please email me at luvinginc@yahoo.ca

If you're not comfortable with that no worries. I totally understand!

The Barkers said...

How fun! There are babies due all around me. Both my sisters-in-law are pregnant with their first. Its such and exciting time. I'm so happy for you!

Tarrah said...

That is so exciting! I love having ultrasounds and seeing the little being inside you. Technology is amazing.

I'm glad your feeling so good!

L. Noelle said...

Where have I been? I am so excited for you! Congratulations!!!!! Great ultrasound picture.

Calico Sky said...

Soooo sweet!!!!!!
Oh I am so excited for your lovely family!!!!!

jotcr2 said...

Get that diaper bag Michelle. Glad its all tracking well, and that you're feeling good.

Sara said...

oh that is wonderful!!!! I bet you are having a boy :)

Melany aka Supermom said...

That is just amazing. I never tire of seeing that tiny tiny tiny human. I'm so excited for you

Anonymous said...

How exciting! Congratulations!!!

Rachael & Anna

Carey said...

I didnt even know you expecting! I must have missed that post.
Im glad everything is looking good and your feeling well. And happy birthday to your daughter!

Sue said...

Oh what a cutie he/she is. I love those u/s pictures. So sweet. I'm so glad you got them to give you an u/s. They are so much fun. Oh yeah, you'd better get your diaper bag. I have like 4 - 2 from each of them. :)

Anonymous said...

I didn't get a diaper bag until I left the hospital. That's cool you're supposed to get one at the doctor's office.

Then when W.W. left the NICU unit they gave me everything, it had been "contaminated" by being open already so I got the tape thermometers, bandaids, swabs, even the little pink plastic tub I bathed him in. I wasn't expecting that.

I'm glad your jumping bean is doing a-ok! :)