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Monday, May 21, 2007

Benefit Concert for Parker

I know many of you are familiar with Tammy from Praying For Parker and her adorable son Parker. Parker has many medical needs and unfortunately they are caught up in a vicious cycle of making "too much" money to qualify for much-needed programs and assistance, but yet not having enough money to really make ends meet since they have to pay for so much of the medical costs related to Parker's needs out-of-pocket.

For those of you that live in UT, there will be a benefit concert given by local singer/songwriter Stephanie Smith and her band on June 29th at the American Fork Amphitheater. You can also purchase a copy of Stephanie's new CD, or just made a donation to Parker's Fund...and of course prayers are always welcomed and encouraged!

Tammy is asking us to spread the word about this event on our blogs via the below button. You can find this code, plus one for a smaller sidebar button, here

Benefit Concert for Parker

1 comment:

Tammy and Parker said...

Dear Kayla,

Please tell your Mom thanks so much for posting about my concert!


Parker =)