So here is what I am grateful for this week:
1. Remember when I went to get the mold for my night guard? I was told my insurance would cover 50% of it and my portion would be close to $200. So I paid $97 at that appointment and was going to pay the last 1/2 of it when I picked it up on Tues. Imagine my surprise when she said she checked with the insurance company again and they paid more for it then she thought - my balance was only $11! How wonderful that was! Also speaking of insurance, we received the statement from when Kayla had the ear tubes and it was about $2500! Thank goodness insurance covers that!
2. I'm grateful Joe's squadron had a family BBQ on Thursday. It was held at a park with a nice playground for the kids, which Kayla loved of course. Then there was a visit by the Easter bunny and all the kids had an Easter egg hunt. I'm grateful I was feeling well enough by Thur to go (and that I could go to Bunco that night too!) Joe was able to go home for the rest of the day after the BBQ and Friday was a "down day/Family day" so he was off then too. It was nice having him home for a couple extra days.
3. I'm grateful for the hairbow I won from Miranda in the giveaway. I received it last week, but haven't been able to get a picture of Kayla wearing it yet! It's so cute though!
4. A few Sundays ago I posted about being grateful for receiving that pair of shoes from Vincent Shoes and included a picture of Kayla in them. Well the president of the US branch of Vincent Shoes happened to read that post. He sent me an email saying how touched they all were by my post and they wanted Kayla to have a pair of dressy shoes too! He mentioned the Princess, the Princessa or the Vidars if that's what Kayla wanted. And as much as I thought those princess shoes were so cute (and Kayla doesn't have any like that), practicality won out. We went with the Vidar because I can see her getting more use out of those by wearing them with shorts and dresses. And because when I showed the pictures to Kayla she kept pointing to the Vidars! She received the shoes this week. I was so touched by his generosity in offering Kayla another pair of shoes - how nice was that?!
5. I'm also grateful for the kindness of blogging friends! Andrea from Sgt & Mrs Hub sent Kayla a box of colorful beads made in Vermont. Her daughter, Eve, is the same age as Kayla and enjoys playing with beads so they thought Kayla would as well. Thank you so much! Here is a video of Kayla enjoying the beads:
6. I'm grateful Joe and I had a chance to go to the movies last night! I can't remember the last time we've been to the movies! We saw Music and Lyrics which was pretty good. Our good friends Jennifer and Jim babysat Kayla and she had a great time playing with their daughter Katelyn. Bonus was I had a coupon for "admit 2 for free" and another coupon for a free drink and medium popcorn. So our night at the movies was completely free!
7. So today is Easter Sunday and we all know the meaning of this day. I'm definitely grateful for that! We had a nice breakfast of blueberry pancakes then we'll all get ready for church. This afternoon we're getting together with 3 other families for a nice dinner, an egg hunt for the 5 kids who will be there, and board games for us adults. Looking forward to a nice day today!
Happy Easter everyone!
An enviable list - glad that you're willing to share your perspective and open our eyes.
Best wishes
Happy Easter!! I'm so glad you are feeling better. Great list this week. The shoes are adorable and what a nice surprise the gift of beads were. Have a wonderful and blessed week ahead!
Nice list. And Kayla as always is adorable!!!
Happy Easter to you too
So much to be thankful for. I really enjoyed reading about all the good things going on in your life this week. I hope this week is equally blessed (& more!).
Happy Easter to you and yours!!!
I am so happy to hear you are feeling better and able to enjoy several fun things! I was thinking of Kayla this morning and wondering if you do Easter baskets or an egg hunt and picturing her bright eyes!
How nice about the extra pair of shoes! And Kayla knew what she wanted too...my kinda gal! And a definite blessing on the insurance! I understand that completely.
Enjoy the rest of your Easter and I'll talk to you this week!
In Him, Amy
I am so glad to hear you're feeling better. What a nice *welcome back to the world* outting (the BBQ). Sounds like just what you needed after beeing cooped up in the house sick.
You truly were blessed this week with lots of good things! May you and your family have a blessed Easter!
wonderful list.
happy happy easter to you, Joe and the beautiful Kayla!
Happy Easter!! How kind of them to send another pair of shoes?? That's so lovely. :) Glad to hear you're feeling better! :)
So glad you are feeling better...what a great thing about the night guard. Got to love those moments.
Sounds like you had a great week.
So glad she likes the beads! It was so fun to see her playing with them. I will show Eve the video of Kayla tomorrow when she is awake- she'll love it.
Hope you had a very blessed, fun Easter with your friends. It sounded like it was going to be great.
And what a way to go to the movies. So glad you had a great date with your husband, and a free one to boot!
This is something interesting to share and read Michelle. Viji
We hope you had a wonderful Easter! Glad you are feeling better :)
Michelle - what a wonderful list! I hope you had a wonderful day, and I'm soooo glad you're feeling better! Kayla is so cute - I love how she shares her beads with you - she is such a doll!!!
I loved watching Kayla play with her new beads! And how great is it that you were able to get the dressy shoes?! That's so nice!
Sounds like a wonderfully relaxing week. I'm so glad you were feeling better to enjoy it!
What a wonderful list! I'm so glad you are feeling better!
Glad to hear your feeling better. that video was adorable Kayla is Really talking alot these days WOW wtg Kayla!
Glad to hear you are feeling better. Thats awesome you got to pick another pair of shoes!! I'm glad you like the bow!!
Catching up on your posts for the last couple of days!! Sorry i hadn't wandered in yet! I just had enough time to post tomy own blog, but now i've got to go back and catch up on everyone's!!
So great to have a date night, isn't it? We need one very soon!!
Happy Easter!!!!! Sounds like a great one (especially starting off with blueberry pancakes! lol)
I saw your comment over at Andrea's place and flew over here - a Kayla video! She's soooo sweet and what a delightful gift, those beads.
I'll bet this post tickles Andrea to death, whether you pronounced her name correctly or not. :-)
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