Despite having this flu interrupt my week I do have a few things to be grateful for...mostly my husband! You know the long-standing joke that when men get sick they are just like big babies? Well in our household the reverse is true! When I get sick like I was it just knocks me flat. I feel like I can't get up and move or do anything. Joe gets sick and it doesn't seem to hit him as hard. He's the one who brought this home last weekend, but he was over it within a few days and it didn't affect him near as bad as it did me!
I woke up Tuesday night with a fever and chills. I was shivering and just couldn't get warm. I tried cuddling up to Joe's back to get some warmth, but he felt cold and clammy to me which made me shiver even more. I think my chattering teeth finally woke him up! I'm grateful that he got up 3x on Tues night for me. He got up to get me some water and ibuprofen, then some chloreseptic, and finally an extra blanket.
I'm grateful that Kayla doesn't have school on Wednesday so I didn't have to worry about getting her dressed and to the bus stop. She woke up too early Wednesday morning, but thankfully she went back to sleep in my bed and we slept in until 8. I'm grateful she was so well-behaved for me all day Wed. I guess it helps that we have Madagascar, Finding Nemo, Signing Time, Boz and Noggin! I don't like to have the TV on like that, but I needed to just lay down on the couch most of the time and it helped keeping her there in the living room. She would either lay on the couch with me, or play with her toys on the floor right in front of the couch - while trying to share with me too.
Thursday morning was really bad. I'm grateful Joe came back home to take Kayla to the bus stop for me. I just couldn't have made it down the street with her; I barely could make it out of bed to get her ready. Joe came home for lunch and before he went back to work he went to the BX and came back home with Dayquil and Nyquil.
I'm grateful Joe was able to come home about an hour early each day. He also made dinner and took care of the dishes Wed-Fri nights.
I'm grateful I received the jewelery and painting I won from the One World One Heart Giveaway. I received a surprise with the painting...some scrapbooking supplies! Thank you Sandy!
I'm grateful that I'm starting to feel better. My fever finally broke yesterday. I'm not ready to go out and run any races, but I definitely feel like I can function now!
Thanks for all the prayers. Kayla does have a cough and a runny nose (ugh) but I don't know if it's just allergies for her or not. So far she's not running a fever and doesn't seem to be affected like I was! I just hope and pray it stays that way!
I'm so glad to hear that you're feeling better!!
I feel like that when I get sick too. I am so glad you're feeling better, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Kayla doesnt get sick.
I'm so glad you're beginning to feel better Michelle. It blesses my heart to hear your gratitude in the midst of a really difficult week :-) Joe gets a big "ATTA BOY!"
The one good thing is you will have all this sickness behind you and can enjoy Easter weekend.
Have a restful day.
Glad to hear you are feeling better!! That is a great hubby you have!!
I'm glad you're feeling better. You sounded terrible on the phone.
I hope Kay;a only has allergies, even though I know sometimes those can get bad too, but it's the "lesser of two evils" ya know?
You had a lot to be gratful for while being sick. Thank you, Joe for always (not just when she's sick)taking such good care of Meesh. You're the best, man.
love you, Meesh!
I'm an AWFUL sick person. Just horrible. The tv is a real lifesaver when I'm sick like that!
It's good to hear that you're feeling beter...
You win the MOST contests!
You are amazing...finding blessing despite your wretched flu!
I hope your next week is better for you and Kayla!
I'm so glad your feeling better.
Oh, sorry to hear that you've been feeling sick. I knew there was a reason I liked Joe, he's just a good guy all around!
Glad to hear you're feeling better. I'm hoping Kayla doesn't get what you had!
I will definitely be keeping you and your family in my prayers.
I am so happy your are feeling better and I pray Kayla doesn't get this whatever is it....spring flu?
Hugs to you all!
I just stumbled across your blog. I also have a little girl named Kayla with DS! Will have to check your blog often.
Bless your heart that you were able to find so many things to be thankful for in a week like that. I so hope you are feeling better and I'm still keeping fingers crossed and saying a prayer that Kayla is fine. Glad you are on the mend :)
I'm so sorry you were sick last week. You must have Pollyanna for a middle name because you sure were positive about it all. That is wonderful. I'm glad you are feeling better now. Isn't it nice to have a wonderful husband who helps out so much?
I'm so sorry you've been so sick. Glad you are finally starting to recover some. I'm sure it'll take you another week to regain your strength back.
Thank God for wonderful husbands!!
Egads sounds like a really rough week for you!!! I am thankful that you are feeling better. Oh and I think that tv was invented for days like your wednesday! I know while J is gone and i am this pregnant, I will be using it as a tool as well! Aren't husbands awesome!??!
Hope your feeling ALL better soon Michelle and that Kayla and Joe stay well too! Hugs.
Thanks for visiting my site yesterday. I hope you are feeling a lot better and hopefully Kayla isn't coming down with it.
By the way, my youngest daughter's name is Kala. Just spelled different. She will be 17 in August.
Stop by anytime. Take care.
~Sandy G.
Oh, bless your heart, Michelle!
I have been as sick as you've described a few times and it completely knocks me out, too. The body aches can be horrible! But so glad you are on the mend now...that is a true blessing!
And hopefully, Kayla will only have the sniffles!
Oh I hope you continue to get better soon! Take care of yourself and feel free to sneak a nap in if you need to! Tell everyone I said it was okay, he he!
How nice to have a husband who knows how to nurture. That is a wonderful gift. I hope that Kayla doesn't get it as bad, that would be no fun for a little one. Hope your week goes well!
So glad you are in the up-swing. The flu type stuff is the absolute worst! Isn't it great to have such an awesome husband - praying Kayla will stay healthy!
I'm glad to hear you are feeling better!You were really bad off.
I hope it is just allergies with Kayla.I Hope it clears up for her. Allergies can be a pain also.
Joe is such a sweet husband to you!
In my house Gary is the bigger baby when it comes to being sick. But I have to say when i get really sick he is always waiting on me.
So glad that you are feeling better!
love ya,
I am glad that you are feeling better. I loved the birth story - it is such an amazing experience - my best friend is having her first baby in a few weeks - I can't wait for her to 'join the club'.
I hope you feel better soon!
I'm so sorry that you were so sick! :( I'm glad you are starting to feel better and that your hubby took such good care of you!
Does Joe have an older brother???? lol....I need a Joe in my life. He is so good Michelle! I am glad you are feeling better, its so hard to be sick when you have a little one to take care of. When I would get the flu when my kids were small, my Mother would come for the duration to take care of me and the kids. Then she would usually go home with the flu!
What a nice guy you have..Hope the whoe family is better soon
So sorry you were sick but glad you are on the mend! Sounds like you have a wonderful husband, and like he takes good care of his girls.
I'm grateful that you are back to yourself and being grateful.
Oh Michelle, I'm so sorry that you've been sick! I'll be praying that your household will all be healthy again very soon.
Your grains are always an inspiration...!
I have to thank you, I am getting a photo done of A because of one that you posted. Can I send you the proof? I thought that you might like to see it. It came out really well!
I hate that you were so sick, but glad that you are feeling better! Sounds like you have a wonderful husband!!
Michelle, I'm offering up a prayer for you and Joe, per your request on Kathleen Marie's blog! :)
Oh how awful. I'm glad you are starting to come out of it. It sounds like you had the "real flu", i.e. influenza, I had it once and could-not-move for about 3 days. I vaquely remember my mom floating in and out of the room with tea and soup!! Hopefully you can go a few years without another bout! Good Joe, what a guy, what a nice family!
Glad you are better! Hoping Kayla doesn't get it! And thank goodness for videos!
Oh, I almost forgot -- you have been nominated...visit my blog - hugs!
It's never fun being sick:-( Glad to hear your fever finally broke though so now it's just a matter of time before you're back on your feet:-) You have a wonderful hubby who takes good care of you...also keeping my fingers crossed that Kayla doesn't get that flu too! xox
I'm sooo sorry you were sick Michelle! I'm so behind on my blogging from being ill and trying to keep up with my brood. I'm glad you are feeling better though, and I hope the healing trend continues and Kayla doesn't get it!
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