Kayla enjoyed a chocolate peanut butter cup:
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and then after she finished that one she immediately pointed to the kitchen where she knew these came from and wanted more! She only had that one though (mean mommy!) it was her nap time after all!
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Wow, if Kelly and I were there just a couple more days we would have been able to help you, Joe, and Kayla enjoy the delicious chocolate!!!!!!!! Love the video of Kayla enjoying the candy and being so appreciative!! :) She takes after us "girls" and our need to eat chocolate !! Way to go Kayla!! MaMa and Aunt Kelly truly do MISS YOU !! Love to all
Kayla is a smart little girl! The peanut butter cups are my favorite and you can never have just one:)
Oh Michelle, this has brought tears to my eyes...you couldn't have made me happier than showing a video of Kayla eating one of my chocolates!! I'm so glad they got there safely...I see the cherry chocolates leaked a bit but I expected that, they're so fragile! Enjoy them...hopefully there's still some left for Joe! lol And yesssss you can open the ornament swap parcel...there was no date to wait for...so go and open it girl!!!! lol Thanks again for the video...is there any way I can put it on my blog? Hugs xox
Aww she so cute!! You guys are soo lucky!! Eat one for my Kayla!!
Those look delicious!
Kayla really enjoyed the chocolate! And I enjoyed the 2 videos very much. How nice of your friend to send chocolates!
Wow, what a great gift. Mmmm... I can taste these yummy chocolates now.
Kayla knows a good thing when she tastes it. :)
My mouth is watering; those look great! Kayla is so cute!
That is so cute!!! She is so sweet and smart.
hehe that is awesome! They did arrive quickly! How wonderful that Kayla enjoyed them so much!
Thank you so much for sharing the cute video's! Pea is just amazing with all that she bakes and I can't think of a better person than you to win those scrumptious, mouthwatering, melt in your mouth, chocolate morsels! Okay, I better breath into my brown paper bag again! hehe! Just being funny! :)
Pea never ceases to amaze me. What a nice gift. Lucky you! And Kayla! And hopefully you girls saved some for Dad. :-)
ooh kayla knows which one to take.. peanut butter is my fav!!!
Oh she had me cracking up when you asked if the chocolate was good and she just said matter-of-factly: yeah! She's so cute, she signed thank-you when her mouth was full of candy. I miss her. I was glad to talk with her a bit on the phone today.
Wow, Pea made some beautiful chocolates for you. I hope you saved some for Joe.
love, Nisa
Oh wow those look DElicious! Kayla's a smart girl - "hey mom you left those yummy chocolates in the kitchen, silly."
MMM ... They look good. I loved the video of kayla enjoying one too - lovely!
She's so cute - look at her signing thank-you when her mouth was full! But what really struck me is that MY TODDLER IS WEARING THE SAME SHIRT AS HER! That was so weird! (I'll see if I can get her to stand still long enough to get a picture.)
Awwww so sweet!!!! She getting to be a big girl! Talking so well!!! The chocolate looks really good! Hope you and Joe where able to enjoy them later that night!!!
MMM, MMM good! I don't blame Kayla for wanting more!
I'm here from Pea's blog...I so enjoyed watching wee Kayla enjoy those chocolates...sweet baby gal, may God bless her and you richly!!
Are they good YEA! HAHAHAHAHA I luv it! Kayla is so adorable!!
I want so much to read your posts because they all seem so special. Is there a way I can make the print just a bit bigger? I just can't read it (one of the not so nice things about growing older). It's probably something I'm doing wrong. The video is precious. I'm so glad you won!
Hello, I found your blog from Pea! I enjoyed the videos of your little girl, she is just precious!
I'm glad you all are enjoying the chocolates!
I love how she signed and said Thank you in the first one! :)
Your daughter is so dang cute!
Chocolates, huh? I remember one time.
“What are we going to eat for lunch?” I once asked my 3-year old.
“How about let’s eat your favorite food,” my 3-year old said.
“What’s that?”
I smiled.
“And,” my 3-year old continued, “let’s not tell Mommy, right?”
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