Family visits. Yes these are such treasures aren't they? Especially when you don't live near family, as I didn't, you come to treasure each visit because they seem to happen too infrequently.
I remember how excited I used to get when I knew we were going to visit my grandparents on either side. Both of my parents come from large families. My dad is 1 of 7 and my mom 1 of 6. So I have a lot of aunts, uncles and cousins. It was always such a fun family reunion when we all got together. I have fond memories of summer and winter visits to CT and WI.
Now the tables have turned. I'm the adult now with my own child and I know how important the visits are for the grandparents (especially considering Kayla is the only grandchild on both sides!)
My dad was here for a short visit a few weeks ago. We only seem to see him once a year, but it means so much to him, and to me. I so enjoy watching him with his granddaughter - dote on her and spoil her!
My mom and sister will be here for Thanksgiving - my sister hasn't seen Kayla since last July, my mom since Feb. I know she can't wait to get her "Kayla fix!"
Joe's parents will be here for Christmas/New Year's time frame and they enjoy spoiling Kayla just as much.
I know how hard it is for these visits to happen very often when we're all scattered all over, so I treasure them when they do happen.
If you're getting together with family over these next few months for the holidays - take time to treasure being together.
For more treasures visit Faith.
Exciting with all the family visits. I know what it feels like to be far away. Might make Vincent just a tiny bit spoiled :-)
I am sure your family is super excited to see Kayla again - and you and Joe too, of course.
I definitely treasure my family. I don't know where I'd be without them! Enjoy the 'thanksgiving' season.
As I read this I get tears in my eyes. My family is all over, two of my children are on the east coast (DC and NYC), my parents hundreds of miles away. As the holidays draw nearer I get very nostalgic.
Family is so very, very precious.
I don't know if I told you but I LOVE your blog makeover. It is just beautiful and I love the b/w with the BIG BLUEBERRY EYES! She is so cute!
Oh Michelle, my family is in South Africa and I have not seen them in 8 long years...wish I had them near :)
Treasure your family and enjoy every minute :)
Since your family doesn't get together very often, you must be so excited when they can come over:-) I'm glad your dad had a chance to come over recently and Thanksgiving will be so much fun with your sister and mom there!! I don't see my 4 brothers very often which is sad. At least I'm glad to be so close to my mom:-)
Totally a treasure! We thought it was hard to be across the country from family, then we left the country! Totally a treasure when they come to visit!
I remember being at my Grandparents for the holidays and all sorts of family members were visiting. It was great times, seeing all my cousins. it makes me very nostalgic when I think of it. My immediate family all live here close to me so we get together quite often and there is always lots of laughing and joking going on. There is nothing like being with your family.
You're right, family is such a treasure. I adore my big, loud passionate family very much; I wouldn't change one thing about them. They'll all be at my house for the holidays, and I can't wait. Loved your pictures in the previous post.
Believe me, I know this is a treasure. My visit with my sister a couple of weeks ago, after not seeing each other for over two years, meant the world to me. Very nice Tuesday Treasure, Michelle.
My Best to you on the upcoming Holidays!
Sheesh! I just visited at the beginning of this month and I already feel like I need a "Kayla-fix" too! ;-) My mom has a big family (she's one of 11 kids) and my dad is one of 4, so I've got toms of cousins too and know how fun it is to get to see them. This is a great treasure. love you.
That is great everyone is coming to visit. I really agree it is hard to be some where with no family. I hope your visits are very enjoyable.
I agree, that is a treasure. My in-laws are coming down next weekend to spend a few days and we haven't seen them since Amelia was just a couple weeks old (she's 7 months now) so it is a treasure when we do get to spend time with them. The rest of his family haven't even seen Amelia in person and haven't seen Isabella since she was 1 1/2 - so the visits definitely don't happen as much as we would hope. We will be treasuring our time next weekend though!
Thank you! I will treasure the moments.
Live has a funny way of changing...we lived apart from family for 14 years. Hubby lost his job in Kansas, so we moved to Florida and never looked back. Enjoy every minute with your family over the holidays. :)
Your daughter is beautiful! What gorgeous big blue eyes! We are military too and just getting settled again.
I'm with you - I love family visits :) My parents are here for a few days right now, and it is wonderful to see them :)
Have fun at Thanksgiving with your mom and sissy!!!
I love family visits! I live in the same town as my parents so I see them constantly, but my brother lives away, and it's so nice when he comes HOME.
I remember those times also being so excited to visit my grandparents.I always cried when we left their house. I now ejouy watching my parents with my three kids. They are the only grandchildren on my side.We even go over on Halloween. Family is truly a treasure.
I remember those times also being so excited to visit my grandparents.I always cried when we left their house. I now enjoy watching my parents with my three kids. They are the only grandchildren on my side.We even go over on Halloween. Family is truly a treasure.
Lovely honey.
Yes, I know what you mean. When my sister flies in, with have to treasure it.
Family visits are especially important for the kids. My boys will surely remember our family vacation we have just come back from with fondness.
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