1. Grateful Kayla is having a fun time at gymnastics. I wasn't sure if she would like it, but she's enjoying it! Also that this class is on Wed - her only day off from school which meant I could sign her up.
2. Grateful we were able to have another Parent's Night Out this month - even though Joe got called back in to work and we were delayed about an hour!
3. Grateful that when I dropped Kayla off she didn't cry when I left (as she has done in the past) but instead she said "bye mommy!" and blew me a kiss.
4. Grateful the bus was late bringing Kayla home on Mon. I was in town setting up for MOPS and Joe was going to take his lunch early so he could be home to get Kayla off the bus. He didn't get a chance to leave work until 1124, the bus usually comes about 1127! The was late that day, thank goodness! It wouldn't have been a big deal, they would have brought her back to the school, but still - Kayla would have wondered what was going on!
5. For the nice time we had yesterday going to the corn maze and pumpkin patch with a group of friends. (Yes pictures will be forthcoming!)
If you're doing a Grains of Gratitude post please be sure to stop by and let Christine know!
Can Kayla get any cuter.
Thanks toy ou I received free shampoo, printer paper and a swiffer duster. Keep em coming.
Re: # 4 - fate is on your side!! Isn't it nice when things just work out?
What a great list..Kayla is such a big girl. Cannot wait to see pics!!
What a nice post Michelle, Kayla is certainly growing up isnt she? Once they start school they just seem to grow like weeds! I will be looking forward to the pics! Hope you had a great weekend...sounds like you did!
Wow, you take great photos. She looks like an angel, and she sounds like she has some really great parents behind her.
My daughters loved gymnastics. They both did it for years.
The late bus was a blessing for sure. That was a close call.
How nice, this Grains of Gratitude meme. This is a sweet list.
Sounds like a fantastic week!
I have totally been contemplating gymnastics for Becca ... I feel encouraged now!
Thanks for sharing your list. Your Kayla is adorable.
Wonderful list! Sounds like your angel was working on the bus schedule thing! hehe!
Thanks so much for joining in again this week Michelle. I love your list :) Can't wait to see pics of Kayla at gymnastics - it sounds sooo fun!!! And - whooo hooo on your date - I love those :)
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