Since I've been busy this week I haven't had a lot of time to update my blog, or visit/comment on others' blogs, but I couldn't let Sunday go by without doing my gratitude post!
1. Enjoying a wonderful visit with Nisa...it's nice to spend this time together visiting and catching up.
2. Joe had some "use or lose" leave so he took this whole week off - it's nice to have him around during the day too!
3. Kayla having a great experience at school - I think it's important to start off on the right foot with her enjoying it! She has a wonderful teacher, teacher aids, and therapists at school too; which definitely helps!
4. For the beautiful weather we had on Friday (and all week really!) which made our drive up to the mountain town of Ruidoso really nice. We had an enjoyable day walking around the different shops, finding souvenirs, and going to my favorite place - Misty Mountain Gourmet Shoppe to taste all the different jams, preserves, salsas, honeys etc with yummy crackers!
5. Grateful for the wonderful friends we have. Recently some good friends of ours moved to another base. Last year this couple walked with us in the Buddy Walk. Before they moved they told us they would look for a Buddy Walk in their new town and that their family would walk in Kayla's name. Guess where they are today? Walking in the Charleston, SC Buddy Walk! This means so much to us that they don't even live near us anymore, but since they can't participate in the Walk with us here, they committed to doing the Walk where they are now. How wonderful!
Thanks Christine for starting the Grains of Gratitude!
What a wonderful end of the month you have had!!!!! with a true friend, joe being home for the week and Kayla doing so well in school and the weather and going to your favorite place in the Mountains (the store) :) I am happy for you!!! Makes my heart just burst with happiness... Eunice, have a safe trip home...Love mom
Hey there. I am so glad Kayla has taken to school so well! It has to be a relief for you that she has adjusted and is enjoying her time there. I think taking your child to preschool for the first time is hard on any mom!
I love your blog, your daughter is such a bright light and I always find your posts uplifting.
Sounds like a fantastic week!!!
I had a great time visiting with you Meesh. I'm looking forward to going home to see my babies, but I'm sad too because I'll miss Kayla. Oh, and I'll miss you and Joe, too. Haha.
love you.
Oh, that's cute Nisa sounds very sweet and it is wonderful that you got to go up to the mountains while Joe was off.
Very special friends that walked in Kayla's name in SC. Friends you will probably keep in touch with all your lives. :)
Michelle, it is such a special thing to reflect at the end of the week of all the things we are grateful for. And you have had a very special week. Thanks for sharing it with us.
It sounds like you are having one terrific week. Kayla sounds liek she is doing so well in school.
I hope this week is just as nice.
Awesome as usual. It's wonderful that you do this!
(I answered your comment on my blog - my bad!)
What a wonderful, although busy, week you've had and it's great that the weather has been cooperating:-) I'd love to go visit that store...love places like that!!
I liked having hubby home recently too. It makes such a difference to have someone else around for company.
you have good friends...you know why??? because you are such a good friend!!!! I am very honored to have you as one of mine!
What a wonderful list. I am so glad Kayla is enjoying school.
It's great that you had him home this past week :) I'm so glad to hear that Kayla is enjoying school. It is great to know that she is in good hands
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