

How big then?...


Fun on the bike course

This one makes me laugh! She looks like she is admonishing Harrison for something and his head his kind of tilted down like he's chagrined!

Found something fun to do with the gourds ... making music on this barrel!

In the corn maze:

The look on her face going down this slide says that she is terrified:

But at the end she was clapping, smiling, and ready to go again!

Pumpkin patch

Sorry to post so many pictures, but it was hard to choose just a few to show the fun time we had! (and I had 107 to choose from - thank goodness for digital!)
What a great time you all had! Kayla, has grown so much! Her expressions are so animated. Love all the pics, they just bring a smile to your face!
I cannot believe how big she's getting!! What a beauty!
Darling pics Michelle! And - WOW - she has grown sooo much! She's such a big girl these days :)
My she has grown! I think Santa's a bit worried about her sitting on his knee! *wink*
Great pictures! There's never too many pictures to look at! Keep sharing!! :D
Great pics! The slide one cracked me up.
The pictures are adorable. She has really grown a lot! Cute as can be though, as usual :-)
WOW what fun you all had...I loved them all. Wish we had something like that near us..we do not even have a pumpkin patch.
Oh these are wonderful photos. She looks like she had an amazing time.
Wow - so big! Wonderful photos and I loved seeing all of them!! :)
Those are beautiful!! It is so amazing how fast they grow and change. (That picture of her with Harrison is priceless! She looks like she's giving him the what-for!)
Wonderful photoes - it was great to see them - Kayla is so cute - I love that smile. Yes digital is a fabulous thing.
What great pictures!! She's grown so much in the past year!!!
Wow how much she has grown!!! It looks like you had a great time! I love the look she's giving her little friend, she's the boss huh?!
She is tall! Kendall is 3' 8" and almost 10 years old...LOL,looks like you all had a great time though!I have trouble getting Kendall into some activities sometimes......
Looks like a ton of fun! Your little girl is adorable. Thanks for sharing your pictures.
WOW! That looks like so much FUN!
Kayla loves it you can totally see it!
Aww! She looks soo cute and wow, so much bigger than last year. Maybe I should come visit you for my birthday next year so we can do all the fun Autumn/Halloween stuff. I'd like that. So, you had 107 pics to choose from... Will the rest be going on your flikr account? I wanna see more. I'll go check now.
love you!
She really has had a growth spurt!!! Last year she was still a baby but now she looks like a little lady! I had to laugh at the look on her face coming down the slide!!!! Looks like you all had a great time!!! I enjoyed all of the pics!They warm my heart.
Awesome pictures! Thanks for sharing. What a precious Angel with gorgeous blueberry eyes. So beautiful!
Never apologize for too many pictures of Kayla! Those are awesome!
(Can you please email me about how you post them small but have them large when clicked on when you get a chance? I can't seem to figure it out. Thanks!)
Wow, looks like a great time was had by all. I have a phobia of corn fields which probably dates back from when "Children of the Corn" came out in theaters.
No apologies! What an awesome time. I can't wait until my granddaughter is older. I miss doing all these wonderful things with my kids. Time flies so quickly. Cherish EVERY second!
Don't ever say sorry for posting so many pictures...we need our Kayla fix too! lol I so enjoyed seeing her enjoying her day in the pumpkin patch and wow she has grown in a year hasn't she!! She is the cutest pumpkin of them all:-)
There can never be to many pictures. And these are just wonderful. You can really tell she is just happy to do anything with her daddy.
It sounds like you are going to have a happy house full in the next few mths. It will be so fun for your family.
awww love the pictures I miss my daily Kayla fix!! She sure has grown Kayla looks so tiny beside that huge pumkin!!! LOL
Kayla has really grown!Kids grow up so fast! I can't believe how mine has grown.Looks like she had a really nice time! I love those pictures of her!
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