She was fine when the bus pulled up to the curb, "hi bus! hi! hi bus!" Then the doors opened and made that whooshing sound...she didn't quite like it then! I tried to take her hand and walk with her up to the steps, but she kept pulling back, trying to turn back towards home. Uh oh, I thought, this isn't going to go well at all. So I picked her up and carried her on the bus. I saw the other little girl on the bus who is in her classroom and sat her down next to her. She seemed ok with me doing that and I managed to snap a quick picture. I kissed her head, told her I loved her and said bye. But I don't think she really registered what was going on or that I was actually leaving. The aide sat down in the seat across from them and started talking about something so I don't think she actually saw me leave. I wondered if she cried after she realized I wasn't on the bus with her.

She was, of course, all smiles getting off the bus and seeing us there waiting for her. "Mommy!" "Daddy!" The driver told me she did great and didn't cry after they left. Thank goodness! But there is no preschool on Wed, so we'll see how it goes tomorrow. Once she realizes this is the new regular routine instead of me dropping her off at school she might start crying again when I put her on the bus. I hope she doesn't, I hope this is a fun thing for her to ride the bus. I hope it goes well each day and I don't walk away with her crying!

Walking home...yes the backpack is about as big as her! Thank goodness it's light and there isn't much in it! Just a change of clothes and the folder they send home everyday with what they've done. I found smaller backpacks, but then the folder wouldn't fit in them. She likes her backpack though, and I think she looks like scuh a big girl when she's wearing it over her shoulders!
Awww...Michelle she looks like such a big girl and happy. Looks like she has a girl friend too. How does she like school? Does she come home excited?
Dori (Aviva's mommy)
I can remember how Matthew's backpack looked bigger than he was when he started school - LOL! We decided no bus yet, though. Love the photo of her coming off the bus! Is she saying "cheese"?
The picture of her and her dad walking brought back some wonderful memories of my own dad, I was an Army brat.
And look how grown up she is!!
I love the last photo with daddy in his camouflage and her with the huge backpack.
She is so cute I just want to eat her up.
She is too sweet! I must agree the one with her and daddy looks so adorable!! How sweet!
She's just so darn cute. And I'll bet she ends up loving the school bus. Most little kids do. The photo of her and that ginormous backpack is adorable. Boy are you a typical blogger. Camera goes everywhere with you! I'm glad though. You get some of the sweetest photos of her.
Darlling pix! My kids all ride the handicap bus but that is soon to change-actually they know no other way.Of course they call it that because of the wheel chair docks and lift.I am so happy to see the seatbelts on that bus-here there are only seatbelts on the handicap bus.So happy for you that she did so wonderfully.
What joyful, touching post. I kind of got all choked up too, this is a big step on such a big bus. You handled it so well, I love all the pics. They will make a great scrapbook page! :)
Awwww, I love these pictures! I can't wait till I get to take school bus pictures of Joey!
Oh, she looks so confident in these pictures. I'm so glad she had a little friend to sit by on the bus. As I child I can remember it being a bit traumatic trying to find a familiar and friendly face to sit next to. :)
I love the picture of her with her backpack! :)
Oh my goodness, Meesh! Your little baby is growing!! She looks so cute with the backpack! I remember when Nate was smaller than his backpack too! Kayla looks just gorgeous. The picture with her walking home with Joe... I just sat here going: awww!!! My heart is melting.
love you!
yep, the HUGE backpack on her back and walking home with daddy is a classic all around pic... you need to frame this one for a forever!!! Michelle she looks so tiny even on the bus!! I am so glad to see she is sitting next to her classmate... :) what a big transition!! I hope it goes well too, her taking the bus and not crying when she realizes , Mom /dad stay home./work... Yours and Joe's little girl is growing up... Love Mom
What wonderful pictures!! Kayla is growing so fast and having so many new experiences. I'm so glad that you take the time to capture them on film for us. It's not that I'm prejudiced or anything but I really like that picture of Kayla and her Daddy :-) I don't suppose you'd email me the print so I could print it out for my desk at work????
awwww what a sweet moment. I can't believe your little baby girl is taking the bus!! What an amazing accomplishment!! She should be so proud of herself for being such a brave girl!
Great pictures ... the last picture is priceless!
HOW SWEET! She is going to love looking back at these pictures one day...
I was totally afraid of the school bus! She is such a big girl!
:)Leslie & Jack
omg... i cant believe little miss kayla is riding the BIG school bus!! and she really does look adoarable with her big old back pack!!
Hee, look at her giant backpack! I remember actually putting my little girl IN her backpack when she started school... I hope that she loves taking the bus - it's a big experience!
She's soo precious! She looks like she'll do great on that bus.
In my case, when my youngest starts riding the bus, he'll be the one happy, I'll be the one choking back the sobs.
Oh Michelle she looks so precious with that book bag on her the pic of her and the other little girl is so cute! I hope she enjoys the bus...I never got to ride one, we lived near the school, but I always thought it would be an I realized would have to get up to ya Sweety.
Never have I seen a cuter school girl...and so big getting on the bus already. WAHHHH....Where do the baby days go?!
CONGRATS ON RANKING #1 in my Thursday's Trivia Challenge!! Augusts is over and September's is up!! Good Luck and I hope to see you playing!!
Priceless pictures on that bus!! And her with daddy walking home is so adorable. It is so good that you are letting her ride the bus. My friend who has cayti girl with downs,wont let caydi have the independance, and that is sooo important. I admire you.
I love the pic of her walking with the backpack, she is so cute. Great job on riding the school bus!
Pictures worth a million bucks! Wow, first time riding the bus is huge! The picture of her walking with daddy is great! Way to go Kayla!
That is too cute. Her backpack is massive. I am glad that it all worked out.
She is just SO adorable, look at that big smile :)
Is she enjoying school????
Love the huge backpack. Shaylee would never keep a backpack on. SOon Shaylee will be going to preschool, Yikes, LOL!
Have anymore thought about the Buddy Walk in NYC? We will be there if i dosn't rain(keeping my fingers crossed!!)
awww - she is so big Michelle! Glad the bus ride went well :) I love the picture of her getting off the bus- I just can't believe she is old enough to go to school :)
What a big girl. Those photos are too cute.
I am happy the bus experience went well. Riding the school bus is the highlight of Chanelles day hopefully it will be fun for Kayla as well. Love the pictures Michelle, Kayla is way too cute
Love the picture of her getting off the bus with big smiles.
What a big girl!
How cute is she!!! Love the last photo especially. Hopefully, this is the first of many years of loving school and education!
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