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Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Kayla's grandparents took in a puppy from a not-so-great home environment less than a year ago. We just found out they had to put him down due to some medical complications/problems. I know they are just devastated as they loved that little puppy. Her grandparents are animal lovers, besides Pugsley they have 3 cats, 2 rabbits, and some fish. Not to mention other animals throughout the years. I know Pugsley was like a member of the family even though they hadn't had him for very long so I can imagine how hard this is for them. He was a cute little puppy who always wanted to follow you around and curl up on your lap when you were sitting on the couch. We only got to see him once and Kayla loved chasing him around which he didn't seem to mind.
Here is Kayla signing sorry to her grandparents on the loss of Pugsley.

Hugs! We love you both!


Anonymous said...

Barb and Joe we are sorry to hear about the loss of a loved animal in your home.. It is sad that Kayla will not be able to "chase him around" when she comes to visit you. Donna, Kelly and Ken Nolan

CJ said...

My condolences.

Kayla is so cute, as always! That would be enough to brighten anyone's day, even if it is just a little bit.