Sunday, February 23, 2020

Birthday Number Twelve

My not-so-little kiddo is now twelve! Lucas is almost as tall as me now; I wouldn't be surprised if he's taller than me by his 13th birthday!

Kayla had an archery tournament in Myrtle Beach, and just like a few years ago, it fell right around his birthday. My mom, stepdad, sister, and grandfather met us in Myrtle Beach for Kaya's tournament and an early birthday celebration. So glad we were able to get together.

 When we got back home we had a fun time roller skating on his birthday, and in a couple weeks he'll have his friend birthday party. 

He continues to enjoy soccer, chess, reading, Legos, Minecraft, and playing outside. He's a pretty great kid with a kind heart and big dreams ... and I can't wait to watch them all unfold.

Happy 12th birthday Lucas! 


  1. Lucas:
    I too can't wait to see your dreams unfold; especially if you have new ones or ones that you've continued/carried on from last year.

    Good too to read about your loves and passions. There were some cool new Legos this year from Lego Ideas.

  2. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Hi. so glad we were able to meet up in Myrtle beach !! It was fun and special!! especially since we celebrated Lucas BD and also saw Kayla's archery competition. so glad the family also had fun on Lucas' actual BD!! :} And, yes, he is everything you Mom} mentioned about
    Lucas. You are blessed to have both Lucas and Kayla. and we are too. Love grandma, pa ,and papa Ken.
